Ctrack assists the Amy Foundation with telematics devices
The Amy Foundation provides underprivileged learners in the greater Cape Town area with enrichment opportunities. A division of the Amy foundation provides transport services for up to 55 learners to and from the Youth Skills Development Centre on a daily basis and up to 23 children on a weekend to various outreach activities. The Amy Foundation adheres to strict safety measures, assisting the learners to sanitize their hands and providing them with masks when needed. As an extension of these safety measures, Ctrack recently assisted the Amy Foundation with the installation of telematics devices in their vehicles.
The Ctrack solution helps the Amy Foundation to:
- Monitor and ensure that their drivers are adhering to the best routes, taking into account the tasks with which they have been assigned and where they need to collect the youngsters.
- The Ctrack device assists drivers to check their proximity to collection addresses before directing them to the exact location.
- The Ctrack devices allow The Amy Foundation, parents, and guardians to monitor vehicles for safe driving, as they transport those learners.
The addition of the Ctrack tracking device gives the guardians and parents added peace of mind, knowing that their children are being transported safely and that all the precautions are being taken on their journey to and from the Amy Foundation.
“We are delighted to be a part of the upskilling of these young learners. We at Ctrack believe that we have a responsibility and an important role to play in the upliftment of society and in turn the broader economy. Skills development in the ever-changing working environment is more of a challenge than ever, and especially difficult in vulnerable communities, and we hope that through our ongoing commitment that we contribute to the quality of life of our local communities.” said Mr. Hein Jordt, Managing Director of Ctrack.
The reports generated by Ctrack provide the Amy Foundation with data on how their drivers are driving and also allows them to ensure that the best routes are used when collecting the youngsters, taking into account factors such as fuel economy, vehicle maintenance, and overall proper use of the vehicle.
The Amy Foundation helps these youngsters to build their life skills, giving them a better chance in this ever-growing but challenging world. With Ctrack, The Amy Foundation and the youth they transport are kept safe while they are on the road.
Ctrack offers solutions to fit every industry and it’s specific needs. Ctrack strives to offer solutions that save business time and money while ensuring that their operations run as smoothly as possible. Clients who do not have time to track their own vehicles, or who do not employ a dedicated fleet manager can make use of Ctrack’s Bureau Services which will assist customers with all their fleet management needs ensuring that their fleet runs efficiently and leaving them with time to run their business. If necessary, reports are generated in such a way that it makes decision-making a simple task.
“At the Amy Foundation, we aspire to empower young people in vulnerable communities by assisting in the development of skills for future development. In partnership, Ctrack plays a vital role in keeping the wheels of our vehicles rolling and our learners safe in transit. We are able to be more efficient and effective in managing our fleet vehicles and also the use of them. Working together with Ctrack to ultimately live up to the Amy Foundation slogan of Changing Lives, it is a partnership and support that we are greatly appreciative of”, concludes Mr. Kevin Chaplin, Managing Director of The Amy Foundation.